crochet fruit and veggie amigurumi

Meet Jen

Hey, I’m Jen! I started my crochet business when my youngest son was 6 months old. Motivated to make some extra income and have a project for myself, I started an Etsy.

I quickly realized I didn’t know what I was doing, and a few months in, I found myself in a trap. I was trying to do everything I could for my business, selling on five different platforms and desperately trying to make all different kinds of products that people would buy. But it wasn’t working. I was spinning my wheels trying to keep up. I was distracted while I was with my family, chasing follows and likes on Instagram, and I was “putting everything I made back into the business” (i.e., spending all my money on yarn).

After a year of this, I found the right resources, learned a few CRUCIAL business skills, put my Excel and data skills from my PhD to work (I’m a scientist by training, btw), and turned my business around.

Now I want to teach you how to do the same thing. With my help, it won’t be as hard as you think! It might even be…FUN?!

Here, you can find patterns (some free!), tools to help you grow your business, and a blog with my success and failure stories. 

Serious Crochet’s goals:

  1. Save you time and money while you build your crochet side hustle
  2. Teach you how to run a successful, money-making, eco-friendly crochet business
  3. Remind you to keep your business fun and to stay present while you’re with your family and friends instead of always thinking about your business

I hope you find this site useful and motivating! 

With love,
