I pay myself $30/hour to crochet. I chose this number for a reason.
I am a skilled artist. Crocheting is a skill that not everyone can do. Do you know how many people tried and failed to learn how to crochet during COVID?!
But you, love, put in the time and effort to learn, just like I did. It might have been a long time ago for you, but do you remember how hard it was to learn how to crochet?! Do you remember all the frogging you had to do?! The grit and determination it took to get to the other side? Where you can make something, and you can make something that looks DAMN GOOD?
I deserve to be paid a nice wage for my specialized skill. And you deserve this, too.
(By the way, $30/hour = $60k/year salaried)
And of course, you’re wondering: does anyone actually pay this much for crochet products?
Yes. They do. If you know where to find your customers, and if you know what to make and put in front of them.
I’ve been testing all kinds of products for years at markets, figuring out which things people want to buy and what price they will pay.
The cool thing for you is that I’ve compiled all my most recent successful patterns and sales data, which you will find inside my Crochet Market Cheat Sheet. If you’re looking for a quick and cheap jumpstart to your crochet business or crochet side hustle, this is it, yo.
An important point: I’m not selling my physical crochet products on Etsy, or anywhere online for that matter. I’m only selling them in-person. Market-goers are highly likely to already value your products and how they’re made; they don’t need as much convincing to pay you a fair price for your products. They also want to support you as a local business owner. Those are the people you want as customers, not the ones who get turned off when your items aren’t priced like Target’s prices.
So, to find the people who will pay you the most for your precious time, you have to be looking in the right places. The next question is to figure out which things they want to buy the most (and which things you like to make the most so that this gig stays fun for you). I have been working very hard to answer this question.
Imagine this: if all of us crochet artists charged at least $30/hour for our work, our customers would not be so shocked at our prices anymore. They might start to understand the true cost of handmade items. What a world that would be!
Do you want more free crochet business tips like this? Put in your email below and I’ll send you EVERYTHING I know!