My answer:
“What are your Black Friday and Cyber Monday plans?”
This was an email headline in some marketing email I got from Etsy or some other business that wants me to get panicked and wrapped up in the holiday hoopla and pay them to do something for me so I can “make the most” out of the holiday. I love how they asked me so strategically, as if I must have plans.
And MAN does it feel good to say no.
Last year, I ran myself ragged trying to take advantage of holiday sales. I paid for Etsy Ads. I allowed my items to be marked down beyond my cost to make them. I haphazardly designed holiday-themed items that I thought people would want to buy as gifts. I tried to play the game.
I did not see the results I thought I would.
So really, I just ended up wasting a bunch of money and energy getting frazzled over holiday sales, just the same way consumers do.
My advice to you: keep track of all of your business efforts, and only do those that are most profitable and enjoyable for you. You can’t be everywhere all at once. If you feel like you’re spinning your wheels already with your business, then continuing to do these extra things probably won’t benefit you. They will just make you crazy. You can instead build your business slowly and organically.
Stay true to yourself and just do the things that bring you joy, and actual revenue. Remember to have fun with your crochet business; it’s something I would sometimes forget when I was starting out and still finding my feet.
TLDR: Don’t get caught up in the holiday hullabaloo. It will drain you! Spend time with your family and friends instead.